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Tell me more about this seasonal box!




The team discussed the possibility of adding mystery boxes by season and fell in love with the idea. Our 2024 launch box was themed SPRING HAZE. The follow-up summer box was UNDER THE SEA. Miraculously, over 90% of the people who got our spring box reordered the summer box, which meant so, so much to us, thank you. More Miraculously, 90% of those people also went on to order our autumn box, THE TELLTALE BOX. We were ecstatic and so appreciative. 


With three boxes under our belts, we've learned some things, which I will share further down on the page, but if your first question is "what is a mystery box?" it's exactly what it sounds like: surprise shinies. When you preorder a mystery box, you can customize your boxes not only by dollar amount, but by crafter so you get a guaranteed piece FROM that crafter (it'd be the highest priced item in the box on larger dollar, multi-item boxes.) A gallery of our past works can be found here. The rest of the mystery box will be populated by everyone on the team. You can request what type of items you'd prefer, say, necklaces versus earrings. You can specify no bracelets or earrings at all! There's a lot of play here to ensure you get a box you love. 


Is there a Winter 2024 box?


Alas, no. With the holiday rush and the demands on time from real life jobs, we could not reasonably see providing boxes on time before the holidays.


When is the next box, and is there a theme?


The Spring 2025 box will become available for preorder 12/26/2024. The theme is IT'S COSMIC. Expect space and galactic themed goodies from our most talented team of artists.


Is anything changing in 2025 from the 2024 boxes?


Yes and no. The mystery box concept will remain the same in that you can still get mystery shinies, request a preferred crafter, and give us some loose guidelines on what types of things you enjoy. That said, a few things will be different. First and most importantly, there will ONLY be a spring and fall box in 2025. All our crafters have other jobs. We are very happy to report that our box preorder numbers doubled with every box; other people saw what folks were getting, thought it was cool, and jumped on board. While exciting, we also acknowledge that level of growth isn't sustainable for people who are supposed to be doing other things like teaching children, running libraries, parenting, or accounting. Eliminating one season's worth of boxes is one way to be sure quality remains high. I'm happy to report we've added three new crafters to the team which will spread the crafting love for future boxes (Rachel, Shivani, and Nchanter), but we want to prevent burnout. The love of the art is why we're here. Making it a stressor and not a thing to cherish for any of the team would make me extremely sad. These are not just my contracted artists, but my friends,


To that end, we reserve the right to cap the preorder numbers for future boxes. We may not need to! But too much is too much. In that eventuality, it will be a situation of "first come first served" on getting on the list. This is one of the reasons I'm announcing preorder dates so early--so people are prepared if it's something they really want to participate in. Again, 12/26/2024, preorders open for the spring box, IT'S COSMIC.


A few other changes coming are relatively minor, but I think they're worth articulating. Mystery boxes are supposed to be mysteries. Should someone add multiple lines onto an order specifying pieces from specific crafters and telling that crafter what to make them, that's not a mystery box. That's a commission. I will refuse these orders. Always feel free to use the contact form or social media to ask if the artist you like is available to make what you want, but if you cannot abide the concept of the "mystery" in mystery boxes, that's okay, it's just not for you! We allow you to choose one piece from one specific crafter, and I have respected notes from customers that have (politely) said "X's jewelry style is not for me" and that will remain true, but a line by line order of specific pieces and makers is off the table.


The other change that is, again, minor and I hope understandable is we're going to make BRIEF notes mandatory. Just because someone's legal name is masculine sounding doesn't mean they want a box of masculine things. As some of our staff are gender non-conforming, we are going to ask that you specify if you prefer masc/femme/neutral/mix it up for your pieces. Jewelry is supposed to make you happy, not cause dysphoria. To that end, if you hate gold, tell us so we don't send you gold, or earrings you can't wear because your ears aren't pierced. The more you say in that 500 character field, the happier we can make you.


How will you compensate the team and/or my preferred crafter?


I believe in full disclosure on how our team is paid. 75% of every item listed goes to the named crafter. The rest covers listing costs as well as shipping/handling materials. In the case of mixed boxes, if you choose a specific crafter for the box, the primary item will be "assigned" to that crafter, and the value of that item will be paid to them at 75% just like any other normal listing. The rest of the box will be filled by an assortment of crafters and will be paid out using the same model.


Questions, feel free to reach out via Contact Form!


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